Thoughtful Counseling Group

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace (Grace)

Amazing Grace, shortened to Grace, is a senior thoroughbred-mix mare who was rescued at a young age after she was found malnourished, abused, afraid, and alone, relinquished by her owner free of charge. Grace has been with us for 16 years and has lived a busy, fulfilling life being ridden on the trails, at the beach, running barrels and other gaming events, and providing first time horse experiences to dozens of young children. After losing her long time friend and pasture mate of 15 years in May of 2023, Grace experienced a deep depression and struggled to readjust to life without her friend. She has since rebounded and Grace continues to be the fiery, zesty mare who, despite her age, continues to kick up her heels with joy when being turned out to pasture with her friends.